My Family

My Family

Monday, March 18, 2013

September 26, 2010 Robertson Family Pics

I took family pictures for my sister Becky! I personally think they turned out GREAT! They came out to San Diego and we went to La Jolla Cove to take them. I think the hardest part was finding the parking spaces so we could!

May 22, 2010 Chronicles of Parker "He must love me!"

So, the other day I was in the car with Parker. We were waiting for the boys to get out of school. My nose was running a bit and so I asked Parker casually-like if he had a kleenex that I could use. Very seriously, he told me "No, I don't have a Kleenex Mommy. But if you want to, you can use my shirt to wipe your nose. That's what I use when I need to!" LOL Hee Hee! Too funny! Quintessential BOY!!! He must love me a LOT if he'd let me use his sleeve! After I was done laughing, I told him thank you very much for your offer....but that's ok....I won't need to use your sleeve!

March 2, 2010 Chronicles of Parker

So, today I had to tell Parker that we couldn 't go on a date together. He likes to go on dates because then he gets to go out to eat. Anyway, in response to the "no" he tells me that his "heart" is "broken". I was like, "What? I broke your heart? " Later on he tells me that I'm the best mommy in the whole world! Then provides me with one of those killer watt smilles. I asked him if I still broke his heart, and his face falls into a sad, pathetic, sorrowful look. He then tells me that yes, I "still" broke his heart! Then the big smile returns and he says, "But your STILL the best Mommy!" I love my Parker! He is the best Parker in the whole world

December 4, 2009 Buddy...Buddy...Chronicles of Parker

Buddy.....buddy...Chronicles of Parker So, Parker is on this kick where he calls me "buddy"....and I call him "buddy" too. We are the best buddies in the whole world. He uses our "buddy" status to work me around his little finger. When I am eating something that he wants, he looks at me with those puppy dog eyes and asks me ..."Buuuddy Mommy, Don't you want to share with your Buddy?" I tell him that of course I want to share with my buddy! Heaven forbid if I eat the last bite though. He says, "you ate all of it, buddy? He's worked his way around doing the same to me though....he tells me...."I'm sorry, buddy, I ate it all gone....I'm sorry...." Then he looks all sorrowful at me like he's wronged me in the worst way and is sooooo repentant. He knows I can't resist that and can't be mad at him in any way, shape, or form. When he has to stay home while I leave, he throws the "buddy" card at me. He says...But buddy....I'll miss you too much...please don't leave me buddy...." How pathetic is that?! He also knows that when I have my door closed, all he has to do is tell me that my buddy is outside the door and I have to let him in. At first, it's Parker....then...when that doesn't work...He says, "Don't you want to let your buddy in?" I'm a goner! I LOVE to spend time with my "BUDDY". Don't you?

October 28, 2009 Robertson Family Pics

I went up to Vegas to take Family pictures for my sister Rebecca. I think they turned out so well. We went up to Mt. Charleston which isn't to far out from their house. There wasn't much of colors up there but I found some bushes with some yellow flowers and we dragged/rolled an old log over so we could get a little color in them.

October 19, 2009 Pumkin Patch with the boys!

We took Schuylar, Logan, and Parker to the Pumpkin Patch today. They had a blast and were running around EVERYWHERE! I managed to make them stop and let me take some pictures while we were there. Parker's hair is almost as orange as the pumpkin! Love it!

October 16, 2009 Laura's Pics

So, I took some pics of my sister Laura and they turned out GREAT!

October 14, 2009 Parker and the terribly sick mommy

So, today wasn't a very good day...had a migraine for most of the day and have a cough too. For anyone that has had these two components than you know what I'm talking about! "cough, cough" "OW, OW!" In the late afternoon I was trying to sleep and my little 4 yr old Parker was sitting outside my door pleading to be let in. Now, mind you, several of my other kids had requested the same thing and I told them that I was going to sleep and that I wasn't feeling good. They all went somewhere else to entertain themselves. However, Parker stayed at my door saying..."please, mommy...please let me in...please. He was begging, literally begging. I just couldn't stand it no more! I got up and let him in. Usually he likes to hang out with me and watch his favorite shows but he didn't even care about that. He said "thank you sooooo much!" and then plopped himself down on my bed and proceeded to talk my ear off. He first got out Logan's cash register because he had some money he wanted to put in. Then he used the price scanner to check how much my arm was and I was flabbergasted to find out that my arm was valued at 61.00 dollars. My neck came next and many body parts after that. Then, he told me that I needed to push his belly "button" so that I can have magical powers that only work on coyotes. Yes, folks, he's scared of coyotes. So, needless to say, I pushed the magic button. Guess what?! I could fly! Now I could fly over all the coyotes and never get eaten. Then he decided that our magic powers would be good for flying over Pumas. If anyone out there has seen Go, Diego, Go you might know that there are Pumas on that show. Crazy how they pick up on things. He was very descriptive on how we could escape these Puma's and with our magic powers we again SOARED over them all and landed safe and sound far away from these animals with lots of teeth! Unfortunately, his magic "button" stopped working, no matter how many times I pushed it and the poor guy just laid there telling me that it just wasn't going to work. However, I kept pressing it and all of a sudden he was able to jump up and fly again! What a miracle it was! Lesson learned....make the most of your day....never keep a pleading child was the best part of a lousy day! Thanks Lahren for making the school "run" for me. You'll never know how much I appreciated it. Love ya sis!

October 6, 2009 Will Rogers Pics

Some pictures I took of my brother Will's Family.

August 12, 2009 Pratt and Rogers Family Pics

Had a lot of fun taking these of my sister Melissa's family and my brother John's family. Melissa's... John's...

April 27, 2009 Robertson Pics

I took these pics back in January for my sister Becky and her husband Michael.

April 16, 2009 What the...?

Ok, so today I decided to take Logan with me while I took Meghann to work. Wouldn't ya know....he threw a hissy! He told me, I mean, he screamed at me...."I DON'T WANT TO GO WITH YOU!" And he continued screaming this out the driveway, down our street, and all the way to the freeway. With me saying in between breaths..."we'll go to lunch, we'll go to Target, we'll have lots of fun!" Then him screaming ...."I DON'T WANT TO GO WITH YOU!!!!!" I'm telling you, I'm starting to get hurt feelings! However, it turns out that he wanted to go to the park with Lexi, Hannah and the other boys to "play with the wheel". I said, "the wheel?", and he said, "yes, the wheel" all sad and dejected with his chin down against his chest. Turns out there's a really fun wheel at the park that he wanted to get his hands on. After we went through the whole "I'm sorry that you don't get to play on the wheel" thing, he was fine! He was the life of the party! At least, he was after he talked me into going to the place I hate most! That's right, MICKEY D's! McDonalds for those that don't know or care for that word. He wanted to go in and play. So, we did! I guess I'm a sucker for those sad eyes and pathetic looks. He played for over an hour and I sat there watching him. At times he would call..."Mom! Mom!" I would look up and wave. But heaven forbid I didn't hear him in that madhouse.....He would scream..."MOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! MMMMMMMMMOOOOOMMMMM!!!" Then tell me that I need to listen for when he says "Mom!" So that I know he wants me to look! It's only logical, right? Anyway, we enjoyed our day out. We ate, we shopped with AMAZING DEALS, and then came home. Can't get better than that, right? Well, maybe if there wasn't any screaming in the whole scenario...

April 10, 2009 I Guess I'm Lucky

So, this week I took my youngest son Parker with me while I drove Meghann to work. We had so much fun! He talked and talked and talked and TALKED! It's funny because not too long ago we were telling him that he was going to be able to stay home with mommy and have me all to himself while the rest of his siblings were going to go to school. Well, he threw the biggest hissy fit ever! I said, "Don't you want to stay home with me and go places with just you and me?" He crossed his little arms and shook his head and said the words that pierced me right to the core....."NO!" . Well, how do you have a comeback for that? LOL Anyway, while we were out on our "date", I talked about how we were going to be able to do this all the time while the kids were in school. Amazingly, he now thinks that it is a GOOD thing that he gets to stay home. I think that I'm going to miss that when all of them are attending school in a year. Its crazy how time flies and all of a sudden your kids are grown. My daughter turned 18 this past week and all I can think is "how did this happen?" I remember her as a baby, a toddler, a kindergartner, an eighth grader, a teenager (boy, do I remember her as a teenager!), and now a graduating senior who is already 18! How CRAZY is that?

March 29, 2009 Sick House

Our house is just a little bit sick. Well, maybe a LOT sick! Almost all of the kids have strep throat. When we took them to the doctor she said she didn't think that they had any strep because all of their throats looked fine. In fact, she said she was almost 100% sure that they didn't. Then, one by one, she came back to tell me that ALL of them had it! It was kind of funny to see her face and see her shaking her head like she was amazed about it. I've been feeling like I'm getting a sore throat but its feeling a little better. I am not sure if I should go in or wait it out. Tonight, Schuylar was sitting with me all evening and cuddling. We had a nice conversation about how we wanted to go to Heaven. He said that he wanted to go to Heaven and see Jesus. I said that I wanted to also and to see my grandparents because they had died. He thought that I was talking about HIS grandparents and got a little concerned. I explained things and then showed him pictures of mine. I told him that I missed them terribly and that I still cried when I thought of them. When he saw my Grandma Shain...he told me in an excited voice that SHE had the same arms as me! LOL I couldn't help but laugh a little and just tell him yes, she did. Although what I was THINKING was that I wish I didn't have her arms!lol He was quite pleased with himself that he noticed that! Out of the mouths of babes, eh? Schuylar is starting to take an interest in school now. He is actually excited about going to school! I sure hope it lasts! And I also hope that he wants to do homework!

Jan 7, 2009 Family pic

This is the one family picture that we managed to get before Amanda went back to school.

November 16, 2008 Travis and football

These are some pics of my son Travis. He is in the Jr Midgets playing for the Chula Vista Aztecs. He loves it and they even went to the finals! Unfortunately, they lost the second game so they are out. Thats ok though, it was a fun season and he enjoyed it which is all that matters. Enjoy the pics!

November 15, 2008 Vegas Baby!

Ha Ha! I thought the title was really funny! And I didn't even mean to! Anyway, since only those in my family read this...they will know what I mean. I went up to Vegas for my sisters baby shower this weekend and had a blast with my sisters and my daughters. I got to carpool up with Melissa and her new baby Leighton. We talked almost the whole way up and when we finally got up there, we got to have fun with our other two sisters Julie and Becky! We had lots of good food, which is always a good way to enjoy the day! Becky had an amazing shower with over 45 people in attendance. Julie did a GREAT job in being the host and setting this shindig up. I got to spend time with my parents too however they were both sick unfortunately. I felt really bad for them. We left about 7 30 pm and I didn't get home to San Diego till 1 00 am. Then I got woken up at 7 by Parker. Ugh! I'm tired right now and I need to finish preparing my lesson for primary. I've got the procrastination thing going right now. Anyway, because I got up so early, I worked on my Heritage Makers football book. It is looking great but I'm frustrated because I'm in the last stages and I have all these little things that need to be done but can't get people to help me out! LOL The football players have to all write something about the coach and I've still got 9 players that haven't done it. And let me tell you, getting the others to do it was like pulling teeth. It involved calling the parents TWICE, stalking the players before practice and directly asking them while holding a pen and a pad of paper, and STILL not having 9 player do it! I need to get it done by tomorrow and I still need those, I need whatever the team moms want to say. (unfortunately, one of them is really ill and hasn't been able to do it. I feel so bad for her)Anyway, it is frustrating to be so near the end after working so HARD on this project and not be able to complete it. Ok, I'm over my snit! Nuff said!

November 5, 2008 Inspired

So, this evening I was reading Lisa Bearnsons blog and it was about a friend of hers who passed away. This friends son made a scrapbook in honor of his mother. It spoke of always living life to the fullest with your family because you never know how long you will have with them. All I could think of was how much I would miss my family and how much they would miss me if I were to die. I have diabetes and I think that sometimes I'm just so angry over it that I just don't care about controlling it. This is stupid, I know. But as I'm sitting here crying over how this woman left behind a husband and two children....I know what I need to do. I am going to renew my fight against this disease and try and have a healthy life to live with my children. I am going to try and lose the weight that I need to and hopefully lose the diabetes with it. I'm going to spend more time with my children and live life to the fullest. I just want to thank Connor for his thoughts and inspiration. I do believe that they will make a difference in MY life.

November 4, 2008 Shopping for cookie cutters and dragees

So, I found this great online shopping site for cookie cutters and dragees. Dragees are those silver and gold balls that we used to eat when we were kids. They decorated christmas cookies with them. They were discontinued when they were found to have small quantities of metal in them. Anyway, I found them! They would look so good on the sugar cookies I'm going to make for christmas. Well, I'm checking them out and finding out how expensive they are and so forth so I click on it and lo and behold....the only state they WON'T send them to is CALIFORNIA!! What a complete bummer! I was so excited. Well, maybe I can get Julie to get them and bring them to me but thats not till December 23rd. Ugh!! Oh! Before I forget! Christina, when do you want to come over and bake? I am soooo in the mood for making things. The kids are too. I made a GREAT christmas cd with all of my favorites like Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole, SheDaisy, Mariah Carey, etc. Actually, it's two cds. I had too many songs listed to only make it on one. I've got it in the car and have been listening to it. It's kind of exciting because usually I listen to christmas music in September but I held off till November. Can you believe it? Today it actually is raining. We are getting all cozy today and want to watch christmas movies, drink hot chocolate, and cuddle up in blankets. Now THAT is christmas!! I bought the boys some church shirts, sweaters, and corduroy pants. I got a pretty good deal. Except for two of the shirts. I thought they were pretty expensive. I wish I knew where I could buy church shirts that were less expensive. Tonight is a Heritage Makers workshop and I sure hope that there are eight or so people there. It would be a good one then. Well, I'll chat later.

November 3, 2008 Christmas has started in our house!

Yes, the countdown has started in our house! Tonight for family night we each made a 52 link chain to help us celebrate christmas. The kids were all excited to do it and even I am excited for christmas!

Nov 2, 2008 Rain Dancers

The holiday season is now well on its way. However, the weather is certainly not condusive to the holidays. Its been in the nineties and doesn't look like its going to change anytime soon. I would love for it to at least get down to the sixties so that we can feel like winter is on its way. Oh well....I guess it will change when it wants to. Alexa and Hannah decided today that they were tired of the weather being like this and did a rain dance. They chanted about rain and the next thing we knew, it was drizzling. Only for like three minutes though. They were excited because they actually thought that they had done it! Funny, huh? I think they need to go out and dance and chant for the whole day and see what happens!

November 2, 2008 Yum! Yum!

So tonight for dinner I opened many chicken noodle cans for our dinner. I was thinking to myself, what a boring but simple dinner. Then I remembered that I saw a recipe for some garlic cheese drop bisquits on a blog yesterday and decided that I would try that out to go with the soup. It was soooo good and so easy. The kids enjoyed it and it was quickly gobbled up. Tonight I'm not feeling great. Just very tired andI can hardly keep my eyes open. It's only 8 pm and I feel like its 2am. On Thursday afternoon I took my three youngest to Great Clips to get their hair cut. They all look so handsome and cute! I guess I could say that I am biased but I just think they are! Today for primary we practiced for the program that the primary is putting on next week. I helped out with the Sunbeams. It was CRAZY! They were so wiggly and they were grumpy and they were completely frustrating! By the time it was over, I was soooo ready to go home and hide in my room till I felt calmer. Since I decided to write in this blog, I feel like everything I talk about is soooo random and disjointed. Its not entertaining at all. I tried to put a different template onto my blog but for some reason it won't take it. I'm so bummed because it was a Thanksgiving one. Very frustrating. Todd tried to edit manually to make it work but it didn't do anything but put multiple turkeys on . Anyway, I guess I'll try another site to see if I can try another one. Here's some pics of the boys with their snazzy haircuts.

Nov 1, 2008 Who's going to read this anyway?

So, I love to read other peoples blogs. It's fun to see how other people live and how they are inspired and what happened to make this so. My life, or so called life, whatever you may call pretty boring. I get up, drive kids to various schools, pick kids up, take to various sporting events, wait till done, then go home, work on Heritage Makers book for football, and go to bed. To start the next day with the same thing. Why aren't I having inspired moments!? I just get inspired by everyone ELSES moments! I don't get it. Oh well. Do I have any funny stories? No! My little boy Parker spent five minutes telling me how he loves me and how he's going to come sleep with me when his Daddy goes to work. He then gave me lots of kisses while rambling on about it. Made me want to just cuddle him. I love my kids so much. I don't think that I could adequately describe how much I love them. They bring such joy to my heart and soul. Today I went to my sons football game. It was a play off game and they actually won in an overtime death match. We got a touchdown but didn't get the field goal. The other team went for their own touchdown but fumbled the ball and we recovered it. Which of course, won us the game! My parents came down to see the game, and my brother Will did too. It was so nice to see my family because we don't get to see eachother often. Not too long ago I was asked to take pictures of a program that is being done by my brothers brother in law and friend of mine. Basically family! Anyway, I'm nervous because it's going to have a lot of low lighting and I'm not that great with pictures like that. I like things to be perfect and low lighting is NOT perfect! So today, I went and took experimental pictures while they were running a dress rehearsal. They turned out pretty good except then I found out that the lighting was going to be different on the night of the performance. Well, hopefully, I'll be quick enough to change the settings on the camera to get some good pictures because this is going to be for his eagle scout award. Are my insecurities showing? LOL Yack at ya later. Sheesh! I'm talking to myself! No one reads me anyway!

My Family

Travis... Meghann... Amanda... Kaitlin... Alexa... Schuylar... Logan... Parker... Hannah...

May 2008- Failure to Fly Take 2!

Ok, Ok....I guess I can tell the REST of this story since my sister has "outed" me. Let me preface this by saying that I am a diabetic and on this day I hadn't eaten ALL day! My Parker had already been seen by the trauma team, been through the CT scan and been brought back to the emergency room so they could observe him and then do the sutures under his eyebrow. They wrapped him up like a papoose(which he didn't like!) and proceeded to stitch him up. Well, I started to feel a little sick....and thinking it was because of seeing him in pain and upset....I sat down with my head in my hands. This did NOT make me feel better! In fact, I started to feel worse! It took me about a minute to realize that I wasn't sick because of watching, I was in a full-fledged low blood sugar. I have NEVER felt that awful! All I could do was pat the back of my husbands leg and mutter "I need milk or candy". Luckily, my husband was paying attention to me. He ran over to another nurse and told her that I was diabetic and he needed milk quickly. She ran and got some orange juice. Now, mind you, it was getting much worse for me! When they brought the juice, I downed it in two seconds flat! By that time, the doctor had rushed over and I remember him saying that I needed to be put on a gurney. My husband and brother had to lift me up and try to get me OVER to the bed. Then....I don't remember ANYTHING until my bottom hit the bed. I woke up and realized that I felt a WHOLE lot better! Yes, as the nurses put it, I was the ONLY ADULT admitted to the childrens hospital! They teased me unmercifully! Things you want a bear to hold?'re a VERY big little girl.....etc. To make matters worse, I couldn't go to my baby...I had to stay in MY bed with an IV in my arm and all the nurses laughing at me and doctors walking by doing double takes! My most embarrassing moment....brought to life in color!

May 2008- Failure to Fly!

I've transferred some of a previous blog to here because I couldn't access it and didn't want to lose all of the posts and memories. So, here is the first post I did on that blog. Ok, so this is a picture of my little Parker. Well, actually this is a picture of Parker when he was only about 1 years old. He is now almost three but since I'm having problems with my external hard-drive and can't access it....this will have to do! Last week, my little boy discovered how to unlock a window and open it. Yes, people, he failed to fly.....he landed on his face! My baby fell out of the second story window and landed on some bikes which saved his life. I am so incredibly grateful to my heavenly father for blessing our family by keeping him safe. The only thing that happened to him was that he had 10 stitches directly under his eyebrow. There was no damage to the eye, to his head, no broken bones, and hardly any bruising. He had a little bit of bruising on his mouth and cheek. His eye, of course, was bruised and swollen shut, but that is already gone down. When I think of what could have happened, I just want to fall on my knees and thank the Lord for this miracle. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Needless to say, we now have locks that the kids can't open on all the windows. I would recommend them for all of your windows too! I NEVER would have imagined him doing what he did , but it could happen to ANYONE! Better safe than sorry. I hope that no one will have to go through what my son did and I hope that no mothers will have to experience what I did.